Promise Keepers Official Web Site
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Last year, 2 of my sons invited me to attend Promise Keeper's Conference in Dallas with them, All expenses Paid! How could I refuse a deal like that? I can say that is was well worth the time. I had never felt so close to my sons as I did in Dallas, praying and singing together, hand in hand with over 60,000 other men. It was an indescribable experience. This was some of the best preaching I had ever listened to. One could not keep from shedding tears while listening to John Maxwell's story of "The Three Chairs" and watching hundreds of men pouring out of the stands to make a commitment to Jesus Christ as they listened to the words of James Ryle.
I had never heard of Promise Keepers before and since that time, I have heard pros and cons to this movement and can understand some people having reservations about it. I would suggest reading about Bill McCartney's life in his book called "From Ashes to Glory", to learn about how he came to know Jesus Christ as his personal saviour. This man and his family endured terrible pain in their lives while he was Head Football Coach at Colorado and fortunately for him, he had Jesus to lean on.
I believe the term "Breaking Down the Walls", gives many people the idea that Bill McCartney is trying to start his own religion or Cult. I would tell them to do a little more reading and research and even go to a Promise Keepers meeting nearby and listen and make up your own mind before passing judgement.
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